
The phrase “herbal tea” is deceptive. The term “tea” was originally only applied to infusions produced from the Camellia sinensis tea plant. As a result, oolong, black, white, and green teas came to be known by this term. To be grammatically and conceptually correct, “herbal infusions” would be a better term to describe herbal products made from herbs.

In this article, I want to talk about herbal infusions. How it can be efficiently used to treat the serious health problems affecting the Nigerian population if taken frequently. Also, address the numerous health issues that the majority of Nigerians experience as a result of malnutrition and bad habits. I’ll also reveal how creating a healthy lifestyle like drinking herbal infusions can help resolve certain health problems.

Read more: http://theindustry.ng/2022/12/06/herbal-tea-infusions-the-solution-to-many-health-issues-in-nigeria/

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